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Asean Citation Index
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Bookcites Atıf Dizini
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Google Akademik
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İlahiyat Atıf Dizini
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Islamic Countries SCI
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Korean Citation Index
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Korean Medical Citation Index
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Malaysian Citation Index
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Open Ukrainian Citation Index
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SCIndeks: Serbian Citation Index

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Taiwan Citation Index: Humanities and Social Sciences
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TR Dizin
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Vietnam Citation Gateway
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Web of Science (LibGuides/Konu Rehberi)

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WoS-Art and Humanities Citation Index

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WoS-Book Citation Index (Science)

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WoS-Book Citation Index (Social Sci & Humanities)

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Wos-Book Citation Index (both Science and Soc./Humanities)

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WoS-Conference Proocedings Citation Index Science

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WoS-Conference Proocedings Citation Index Social Sciences & Humanities

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WoS-Emerging Source Citation Index

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WoS-Grants Index

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WoS-Korean Citation Index

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Wos-Preprint Citation Index

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Wos-Proquest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index

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WoS-SciELO Citation Index

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WoS-Science Citation Index Expanded

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WoS-Social Science Citation Index

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